Thursday, September 03, 2020


Anarchy -- from the Greek --  an-(without) + arkos (leader) -- without leader

Jurisdiction --  from the Latin -- juris-(law) + dicere (say) -- the right to say

The depth of the ignorance of those who would dare to govern this country is on full and brigthly lit display by adressing a directive to the "anarchist jurisdictions."  Thanks for the polysyllabic sesquipedalianistic oxymoron.  Anarchists do not believe in jurisdictions.  Only the dunces surrounding the Village Idiot of the District on the shores of the Potomac could ever believe that those two words could mean anything to anyone.

Great pair - DJT The Anarchist Demagogue
+ The Sophist that keeps DJT happy

I will be paying close attention to how the Head Sophist will twist the accepted root meaning of the designation "Anarchist Jurisdiction" to mean anything.  I'm betting that since there are perhaps few voters who can be fooled by the use of words composed of more than one syllable, some will feel cozy in the aura of ignorance projected by the flashy sound of "Anarchist Jurisdictions."  
It is a lot safer for you to stick to mono-syllabic Anglo-Saxon words.  They might be easier for your room temperature IQ to handle.

Finally, it is clear to me that a concept requiring seven syllables is way too much  than what DJT, the Village Idiot can comprehend.  This going to be fun to watch.

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